
2022 ~ 9/11 Memorials

Given By Honor/Memory Served Name
Bill Burkey and Daughters Memory Air Force Gary Burkey
Pat Fallot Honor Air Force Logan Bertin
Burkey Sisters Honor Army William Burkey
Bill Burkey and Daughters Memory Army Paul Burkey
Pat Fallot Memory Army Kenny Seemann
Pat Fallot Memory Army Kenny Gier
Tracey Philipps Honor Army Jack Phillips
Becky Thompson Honor Army Bruce Thompson
Becky Thompson Honor Army David Seay
Beth & Terry Campbell Memory Army Richard Alexander
Changet Family Memory Army Joseph Changet
Tracey Philipps Honor Army National Guard Isaac Phillips
Pat Fallot Honor Army National Guard Robert Fallot
Billi Janet Burkey Memory Canton City Fire Chaplain Jeff Bullock
Sharon Allgood Honor Fire Jessica Hupp Troyer
Pat Fallot Honor Fire/EMT Louisville Fire & EMT Dept
Joyce Hudnell Memory Navy James Hudnell
Rebecca Norman Honor Navy Todd Norman
Cherie Otis Memory Police Keith Shuman
Rebecca Norman Honor Police Dave Emery Jr
Rebecca Norman Honor Police Dave Emery
Pat Fallot Honor Police Louisville Police Dept
City of Louisville Memory Reitred Fire Dayton Chief former Lousville City Manager Larry Collins
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